The principle of crispy dry and crispy fry, you need to know

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To easily distinguish the difference between the principles of crispy dry and crispy fry, please take a few minutes to read the information and videos in this content. We spent many hours writing this content, you only need 5 minutes to understand them. Only when you understand clearly this issue, you can choose the right method to create the desired product.

The difference between crispy fried and crispy dried

To really understand the difference between the principles of crisp drying and deep frying (freeze drying and vacuum frying), you need to understand a lot of information, understand how to do it, drying stages, drying temperature, drying pressure, drying solvent…so We will analyze the information one by one so that Readers can understand it clearly. First, we need to know what crispy frying is and what is crisp drying.

Crispy frying for fruits and vegetables for instant consumption is using a vacuum fryer. During the frying process, the product is dipped in a tank of hot oil at a temperature of 100~130oC (cooking oil), the frying chamber is vacuumed to a pressure of 1000-5000pa so that the product evaporates quickly and becomes crispy quickly.
After frying for 30~60 minutes, the frying oil is drained into the oil tank, the product continues to be centrifuged in the vacuum chamber or centrifuged outside to remove the fried oil components absorbed in the product.

Crispy dried fruits are dried by using freeze dryer, the drying temperature range is -30oC to 50oC, meaning the temperature applied to the product will not be greater than 50oC, the vacuum drying chamber with pressure needs to reach 0~50pa, very much lower than the suction pressure level of vacuum frying. Crisp drying does not use any type of solvent to affect the product, but relies on the sublimation of ice when it reaches two main conditions: cold level and vacuum pressure.

The videos below are important information that you need to understand the difference between the principles of crispy dry and crispy fry.

In the video above, the relationship between pressure and boiling temperature of water is shown, which is also the origin of current drying methods. Specifically, convection drying is using high heat to evaporate water in the product. The higher the temperature, the faster the water evaporates, but the higher the heat, the lower the nutritional content. Therefore, to maintain good product quality, the drying temperature  should be as low as possible. Next is vacuum drying, Just vacuum the drying chamber to a pressure of about 5000pa and the water will boil at a temperature of 20~30oC. Even more complicated is sublimation drying, drying temperature -30 to 40oC, vacuum pressure 0~50pa.

So you can clearly understand the difference between the principles of crispy dry and crispy fry. Vacuum frying (crispy frying) can crisp many types of products from fruits, vegetables to fish and shrimp… but the products are fried in hot oil of 100~130 degrees Celsius, so the quality is poor, the price is cheap, suitable for the popular market.
Freeze drying (crispy drying) is also applied to dry for many types of products from fruits, vegetables, foods, meat, fish, powder solution, many types of tea… to medicinal herbs, herbs, starch solutions, probiotics, Spirulina powder,… but ensures high quality, high crispiness, retains shape, color and preserves nutrition. Therefore, freeze-drying products are used for the high-end market.

In the video above is a premium crispy dried durian product. You can dry whole durian segments or dry pieces cut to the appropriate size, Ensure the dried durian pieces are crispy and spongy, retain their natural shape and color, and taste naturally sweet and fragrant. If you need to produce high-end products, premium crispy dried fruits, use freeze drying.

So, through the above basic analysis information, Readers have clearly understood the principles of crispy drying and crispy frying to understand the differences and know how to choose the right one according to their requirements. Customers who need more advice, please contact Mactech Việt Nam via Hotline to be provided with appropriate information. Thank you for learning the shared content.

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