Why do you need to understand the most common drying methods used today? Because the reality is that many people have bought the wrong dryer that they need to use due to the wrong consultants as well as buyers like to buy cheap dryers and choose based on emotion. Therefore, Mactech Vietnam has a lot of general analysis content to help customers understand what products they need to dry, what characteristics, what market they want to do business in… and then find a suitable dryer.

We will list common groups of dryers in order from high-end to lower, from expensive to cheaper, which are also the drying methods most used today. Each drying method has specific practical applications, so the right choice must to dry the product well as well as save costs and achieve high production efficiency. You cannot buy an expensive dryer to dry cheap, common products, and you cannot buy a cheap dryer to dry products that require high-end features. For example, a hot air dryer cannot be used to produce the crispy durian, and a freeze dryer cannot be used to dry instant beef, so we must understand the details.
1. Freeze drying machine: Among current common drying methods, freeze drying is the most advanced, creating dried products without shrinkage, retaining shape, color, nutrition, and drying powder solutions, so This drying equipment is quite expensive and not suitable for the production of popular, low-value products. This dryer is also called a freeze dryer, Vietnamese name is máy sấy thăng hoa. In a freeze drying process, the product will go through the following stages of temperature change: The product is put into the drying chamber at room temperature, about 30oC, the first stage is to freeze the product to -30oC for 3-5 hours, then the drying chamber is vacuumed and the product temperature will be gradually increased to 40oC, the total drying time will last about 25 – 30 hours depending on the thickness of products.
Freeze drying is mainly used for high-value products such as crispy dried durian, cordyceps mushrooms, dried tea marinated with lotus flowers, spirulina powder, probiotics, strawberries, dried yogurt…

2. Heat Pump Dryer: Among the common drying methods used today, it can be said that the heat pump drying has the narrowest application, because this is a drying method based on the principle of natural evaporation due to the difference in humidity between the inside and outside of the product. The drying chamber is completely closed, the drying wind circulates in the drying chamber and is separated from water and provided with appropriate heat before returning to the drying chamber, the drying temperature range is low 15 ~ 60oC. Cold drying is only suitable for thin, sliced, volatile products such as thin leaf vegetables, sliced vegetables, sliced fruits, starch, drying flowers to make herbal tea…
3. Circulating Hot air dryer: Circulating hot air drying method can be said to be the most popular drying method today, suitable for common dry products such as dried bamboo shoots, drying cassava, dried beef, dried chicken, dried fish, dried medicinal plants, herbal pills, dried vegetables for food, drying instant cereals, drying industrial materials and accessories…Temperature Circulating drying is usually from 35oC to 300oC, which is divided into 2 small groups, 1 is common drying, also known as multi-purpose dryer with drying temperature of 35 ~ 100oC used for drying vegetables, fruits, medicinal herbs, seafood, meat, starch…, 2 is industrial dryer, also known as High temperature dryer with drying temperature range 35~300oc used for drying industrial components and industrial materials.

Depending on the specific drying product, you choose the appropriate dryer for effective drying, low cost, and good profitable business. Starting a business is not easy, so the more you understand, the more risks you will minimize, not only in choosing a dryer but also in all other areas such as marketing, choosing markets, choosing partner, product, production method…
4. Vacuum frying: there is another problem that you need to distinguish, which is crispy drying and crispy frying, because crispy fruit snack products are currently sold a lot at very cheap prices, many people understand that is crispy drying of fruits but not because it is crispy frying, vacuum frying in frying oil at high temperature of 80 ~ 130oC. You need to understand the difference between Freeze dried and vacuum fried (crispy drying and crispy frying).
So, through the above basic analysis information, it has partly helped Readers understand the current common drying methods so that they can choose the right type of dryer for the products to be produced. For more advice, please contact directly via hotline or zalo so we can provide more information. Thank you for learning the shared content.